Palace of the Golden Horses’ Orchid Ramadan Raya Festival Embodies the Meaning of Ramadan and Religious Harmony

Palace of the Golden Horses is proud to launch the Iftar Orchid Ramadan
Raya “Meaning of Ramadan” Festival. The festival is a unique and immersive Ramadan and
Raya festive event that celebrates the sacred Muslim month in the beauty and elegance of
nature. The event will take place from 23rd March to 21st April 2023, with orchids as the key
theme for this year.

During his speech at the launching, Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew said, “As Malaysians, we should
adhere to our National Principles (Rukun Negara). Thus, I have decided to organise this
Orchid Ramadhan Raya Festival to honour the first and fifth principles, which are
Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan and Kesopanan Dan Kesusilaan respectively.”
“Also, based on the first and third national principles (Keluhuran Perlembagaan), even
though I am not a Muslim, I respect and will continue to promote the nilai-nilai murni of Islam,
as I believe that Quran is the best medicine and Hadith is the best vitamin.”
Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee expressed during his speech, “As proud Malaysians in a multi-
religion country, we should respect our roots. Muslims and non-Muslim alike should
experience the true meaning of Ramadan for self-reflection together.”

The festival’s launching, which was held on the 21st of March 2023 at Palace of the Golden
Horses, was attended by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew, Founder and Advisor of Country Heights
Holdings Berhad and Cheng Ho Multi Culture Education Trust; Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee,
Founder and President of Al Khaadem Foundation; and religious heads and representatives
of various religion.
As a joint initiative with Al Khaadem Foundation and Cheng Ho Multi Culture Education
Trust, the Orchid Ramadan Raya welcomes people from all faiths and backgrounds to
network in order to strengthen diversity and knowledge for a harmonious society.
The launching of the festival, which was held concurrently with the “Warisan Serantau”
Ramadan Preview, showcased Islamic Culture and Art, the Orchid Garden and the Musical
Laser Light Show which provided attendees with a first taste of the celebration that will be
held throughout the holy month of Ramadan. A Maghrib Prayer was also held for the
Muslims during the launching.

The Religious Heads and Representatives who attended comprised ten prominent
individuals from different religious communities and offered their feedback at the launching
event. This includes Dr. Amir Farid, President of INSaF; Tuan Haji Jamaluddin, from the
Allied Coordinating Council of Islamic NGOs; Daozhang Tan Hoe Chieow, from the
Federation of Taoist Associations Malaysia; Ven Datuk K Sri Dhammaratana, from the
Buddhist Maha Vihara; Venerable Jue Cheng, from the Fo Guang Shan Association; Sister
Loh Pai Ling, President of the Buddhist Missionary Society Malaysia; Reverend Archbishop
Julian Leow Beng Kim, from the Archdiocese of KL; and Sri Kasi T. Genesan, from Malaysia
Hindu Sangam.
Orchid Ramadan Raya will organise a 30-day educational programme throughout the month
of Ramadan that will further deepen attendees’ understanding of Islam and the meaning of
Ramadan, promote cultural exchange, and demolish misinformation barriers
“We are excited to bring Orchid Ramadan Raya to everyone this year for a celebration of
community, culture, and tradition, and we believe that the beauty and elegance of orchids
will create an unforgettable experience,” said Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew.
“We are proud to partner with Cheng Ho Multi Culture Education Trust to organize the
Orchid Ramadan Raya. By coming together, we can create a brighter future characterized
by mutual respect, inclusivity, and unity for all Malaysians,” said Dato’ Sheikh Hussain Yee.
The venue for the festival will be specially decorated with flowers to create an immersive
environment filled with glamour and beauty. This flower-garden concept can be adopted and
applied for future wedding events at the venue.
Palace of The Golden Horses will also host the “Warisan Serantau” Ramadan buffet dinner,
which will feature a wide selection of authentic local and international dishes, including
traditional Malaysian favourites, Middle Eastern delicacies with more than 30 over menu
spread. Early bird is priced at RM168, while the normal price is RM198 (adults) and RM100
(children and senior citizens). Group booking discounts are also available. Interested public
can book a spot for the buffet at
Additionally, the event will feature other activities that showcase the Islamic tradition that can
help promote a deeper connection to Islam. This includes the world’s longest Quran paper-
cutting artwork and dedicated hall sections for daily prayers allowing visitors to deepen their
spiritual connection during this special time of year.