Register to attend a WEEKEND Meditation Retreat on 8 and 9 March 2025 (Check-in 9am, Saturday, Check-out 5pm, Sunday) at Brahma Kumaris Foundation, Asia Retreat Center, Dengkil, Selangor.

“Meditation is the best gift you can give to yourself in a lifetime” It has recently been recognised by United Nations as a powerful universal tool and 21 Dec has been proclaimed as the World Meditation Day.
Come and understand over a weekend stay in a peaceful and powerful Retreat environment to experience sustainable Peace, Happiness, Bliss, Strength and Real Sustainability in today’s world full of turbulence of any degree.
Take the chance to immerse yourself into this great opportunity and new discovery which can be life transforming with invaluable significance and insight gained.
Registration is essential. Book early at or QR code in the flyer attached
Accommodation & vegetarian meals will be provided.
FREE event. Well-wisher contributions are welcome.
If you have newly attended the One Week Meditation Course, you may refresh it.
Please also share it with friends and contacts who may be interested or need it.
Lovely thanks,
Organizing Team (0122080731)
Brahma Kumaris Foundation /