Historic towns of Bangkok, found along the mother of rivers / 沿泰母亲河游曼谷旧城区Bangkok

Historic towns of Bangkok, found along the mother of rivers


“If you were to ask when is it jam in the streets of Bangkok? The answer you would receive is ‘all day long’!”. This is the situation facing the bustling city of Bangkok. If you are standing on an overhead bridge looking down on the traffic passing by, all you see is long traffic queues; and you can easily mistaken it for a parking lot. With the colourful taxis that roam the streets of Bangkok, this scene actually forms quite an aesthetically rich and interesting art-piece.

There are many ways to get around in Banking. MRT, subway, bus, taxi, car, motorbike, taxis, tuk-tuk are but some of the ways, and this itself can be quite an eye-opening experience. To add to the list, the Chao Phraya River is used as a waterway to ease up the traffic congestion situation.

Chao Phraya – the mother of rivers, Thailand

Chao Phraya River is Thailand’s biggest river. It flows from northern Thailand to the Gulf of Siam, and eventually ending at the sea of Bangkok. The Grand Palace, Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Po, Wat Arun are some of the sights and towns that concentrated along Chao Phraya River. This also passes through a popular backpacker destinations and Chinatown.

The cruise service along this river is unlike other places, it does not only serve the visiting tourists, but it is also a daily mode of transport for some locals commuting up and down the river as ticket prices are cheap. This unique combination of land and water public transport system is part of the government’s efforts to alleviate the daily traffic woes in Bangkok.

The Magnificent Grand Palace

If you have been to Thailand, you will notice a portrait of their King almost everywhere you go and is a demonstration of respect and importance the King has in the eyes of the people. The Grand Palace of Thailand is the royal residence built on the east bank of the Chao Praya River, and you can get there by boat from pier #9. In addition to the traditional Thai architectural, The Grand Palace also has a strong influence from China and Europe. You will be mesmerised by the refine and luxurious decorations that fills the palace.

Located within the walls of the palace is a royal chapel better known as The Temple of the Emerald Buddha or Wat Phra Kaew. Within the compounds is a rare jade Buddha statue, which is unlike the more commonly seen golden Buddha statue.  The temple is frequently visited by both tourist and locals, offering incense to the Gods.

Temple of the Reclining Buddha

Located adjacent to The Grand Palace is the Temple of the Reclining Buddha or Wat Pho. Within the temple ground lies a golden reclining Buddha statue. It boasts a full 46 metres in length, and is Thailand’s largest indoor reclining Buddha. Interestingly, placed behind the large reclining Buddha is a row of bronze bowls. Visitors would drop coins into these bowls as charity and is believed to bring them good fortune, and to help the monks maintain the wat.

The temple is also very famous for being a massage center. The temple is home to one of the earliest Thai massage schools, and is so deemed the most ‘authentic’.

al s�@ =m���Kt:.5in’>The temple is also very famous for being a massage center. The temple is home to one of the earliest Thai massage schools, and is so deemed the most ‘authentic’.









泰国河流之母 — 湄南河

湄南河是泰国第一大河,从泰北地区流至暹罗湾,出海口就在曼谷。曼谷湄南河流域的两旁是旧城区,大皇宫(Grand Palace)、玉佛寺(Wat Phra Kaeo)、卧佛寺(Wat Pho)、郑王寺(Wat Arun)等都集中在此,就连“背包客天堂”考山路及唐人街也能通过水路前往。











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