Gong Weekend Mania



Labyrinths – Ancient Paths for Self-Discovery with Martha Collard
Mon, 20th May | 10.00am-12.00am | RM120

Labyrinths have been used since ancient times as spiritual & meditative tools. People all over the world are discovering that walking through labyrinths can calm the mind, promoting healing, stillness & mindfulness.



Raindrop Self Massage & Gong Relaxation with Martha Collard
Mon, 20th May | 2.00pm-4.00pm | RM120

Indulge your senses using Young Living’s proprietary Raindrop Technique combining self foot massage with pure, authentic essential oils for a deeply harmonising, rejuvenating & relaxing experience, accompanied by a wonderfully relaxing gong bath, finishing with homemade raw chocolate & organic tea.



Diving Sound Bath with Elizabeth & Martha
Mon, 20th May | 6pm-8pm | RM120

Prepare for total mind-body relaxation with a therapeutic sound immersion. Sound healing reduces stress and is believed to be deeply calming for the nervous system. Allow these healing vibrations to carry you into deeper states of joy & inner bliss.



欲了解更多,请参阅《红番茄》(RED TOMATO)www.redtomato.com.my,或《大橙报》(BIG ORANGE)电子报www.bigorangemedia.com。




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