2013年世界心脏日活动 World Heart Day

配合世界心脏日的到来,红番茄与iHEAL 将为您呈献为期两天的《爱护身体,从心开始》精彩活动,以生动有趣的剧场表演及专业医生的现场解说,让您可以知道如何照顾您的心脏及预防心脏病。

In conjunction with World Heart Day 2013, Red Tomato FREE Chinese Weekly paper and iHEAL Medical Centre KL present a 2 days event on ” A Healthy Lifestyle start from your HEART ” through an interesting sketch and talk on preventive measure on heart disease.
Speakers are Dr David Khoo & Dr Wong Teck Wee and a dietrician from iHEAL Medical Centre KL. FREE test on Body Mass Index , Blood Pressure , Glucose , Lipid Profile,
Hearing Test & Eye Test .Seats are limited, the first 200 participants per day will be entitled a goodies bag worth RM200.


日期 :2013年9月21日(星期六)及22日(星期日)
时间 :早上11时至下午4时
地点 :Paradigm Mall, Upper Atrium , Level UG


短信:010-863 1497
Subject : World Heart Day ( 请注明:2位出席者的姓名/身分证号码/电话/地址/出席日期)


电话:03 79671388  ext-1940 (Ms Lay Hoon)

For More Information , Please Log on to www.redtomato.com.my


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