Latest Excitement in Penang – Escape Theme Park / 槟城最夯玩点Escape主题公园

Latest Excitement in Penang – Escape Theme Park

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Penang, then you must surely visit the Escape Theme Park located in Teluk Bahang, Penang.

Opened in December 2012, it has become a popular escape for fun-seeking Malaysian city dwellers with their children and even tourists. Nestled in the middle of a forest, visitors will easily forget the stress of city living as they’re challenged with thrilling, exciting obstacles… and do what monkeys would do!

What do monkeys do you ask? Monkey business of course! This is in fact the theme of the park – a visit will help reminisce our childhood from many years ago when we used to climb and swing from tree to tree.

Currently only the forest adventure section is open to public, with 80 different experiences and adventures. Including a 20-meter high leap through the air, this will surely help you forget all the hustle and bustle of city living.

They also have a suspended bridge that links you from tree to tree. Apart from climbing trees, you can make like a gecko and climb up their two-storey high towers too!

There are various adventures catered for both adults and children. There are caves to explore, trails to follow, slides to… well, slide on, and many others that are suitable for parents and their children to enjoy together.

If you are looking to experience sleeping in the forest, there are tree houses available that will surely be an unforgettable experience.

Escape Theme Park is the latest attraction to hit the island of Penang, with an estimated investment cost of RM18 million; the forest adventure section is the first of three sections in the entire development master plan. The other two sections are a water theme park and a hotel in the forest, targeted to complete in 2017.

As the name suggests, the park is truly a place for city dwellers to escape and be reconnected with nature and the environment.

Escape Theme Park Entry fees
Adults : RM60
Child : RM45
Malaysians enjoy a 20% discount.










除了拥有供成人在树顶、屋顶攀爬穿越的游戏外,探险区也有专为小孩子设计的洞穴探险部分、斜坡快速滑险,现代父母们儿时的游戏,如竹筒枪、陀螺、竹蜻蜓及玻 璃弹珠,纸上探险游戏等。




Escape 公园入门票:

成人 60令吉

儿童 45令吉



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